Nelma Mattson at age 16 in 1909.
Nelma Mattson Northe Forsstrom Anderson
Nelma Mattson Northe was the second wife of Dr: Forsstrom. They married in July of 1933 and was about 25 years younger than the doctor. She had two teen children from her first marriage to Matthew Northe. Vivienne and Melvin Northe lived in the second and third bedrooms upstairs.
After the death of Dr. Forsstrom in August of 1945, Nelma continued to live alone in the large home. Her grandson, John Northe, remembers visiting her as a child and playing on the grand stair case with toy trucks. She sold the house around 1951 to Ezra and Ona Macy with much of the furnishings. She married Arvid Anderson, a Swedish building contractor, of Seaside in the early to mid 1950’s.
Nelma was born 4 August 1892 in Knappton, Washington and died 16 January 1982. She is buried at Ocean View Cemetery next to her third husband, Arvid Anderson. Her headstone is listed as Nelma Anderson.