Alli Lauren & Dr. Toivo Forsstrom, 1908
This photo is a rare find from a Fellman family photo album with pictures from 1907 to 1912. I consider it to be the “Holy Grail” of Forsstrom photographs. Werner and Helene Fellman owned a furniture store in Astoria and rented the Forsstrom residence in 1911. Their son, Paul, was born in the house in July 1911. The Forsstroms were living in Portland at this time.
Taken in 1908 in a photography studio in Seaside, Oregon. It is the best photo we have of the Forsstroms as a couple. Photo courtesy of Bill Fellman, son of Paul Fellman. The photo was restored and colorized by Jody Miller of Astoria, Oregon in June 2022. Perhaps this was an engagement photo or just for general amusement? An enlargement of this portrait hangs in the grand staircase of the Forsstrom House.